My Epiphany - My First Job
Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Rewards and Recognition
I was born in an affluent family and my father was a merchant at Assam and we had all the joys and luxury that we wanted. But life had other plans! The person who was holding the strings of fate gave a nice twist to our life. We were cheated by our own family, astonishingly by my own uncle. Yes, hard to believe, my father got cheated by his own brother - his family.
I was in Kolkata that time playing for under-seventeen Kolkata team in a cricket match. Hell broke upon me when my mother called up to share this devastating news. I felt lost not knowing what to do. The dream to become a cricketer shattered like pieces of glass which were hard to repair. I asked my parents to shift their base to Kolkata for the time being. Kolkata had both my paternal and maternal side family but rarely people stood beside us during that time of crisis.
Now I was the only hope and possible earning member who can earn to be a backbone of the family which is almost on the verge of despair! With nothing in my hand, I used to roam in the roads of the Salt Lake for a job, knocked every door of different companies to get a job, although I could find none who could give me a job to sustain.
I vividly remember it was 11 th May 2013 I entered into a company based in Salt Lake Kolkata. It was a startup firm which opened its first branch in Kolkata. I went inside and the person in the reception offered me to sit and he gave me a form to fill up and asked me to attach the CV with it. I did exactly as asked and nearly about twenty minutes a gentleman came and asked me to follow him to the interview room.
This friendly yet professional person welcomed me and told me he was the manager of the company. The general procedure of the interview started and he asked me to give a formal introduction of myself and what I did along with several other educational and professional information followed in the conversation. I told him a little about myself and about my education so far. He somehow felt interested in me and asked me “How has life treated you so far?” I told him about my misfortune and the troubled phase we were going through and how much this job meant to me. He immediately asked me, “Can you join our company from today?” Tears were about to roll down but I controlled it somehow and said, “Yes Sir, I have no issues I can join now itself”.
I waited in the reception with baited breath as the gentleman said that he needs to talk to the CEO of the company about the matter. While waiting outside patiently on what the next thing is many things popped up in my mind. Will the fate master play again? With these things on my mind, I lost track of time and it was one about an hour passed still no one came outside to talk to me. A bit of impatience clouded upon me, but I had to stay calm for the sake of the job. Nearly about two hours, the gentleman came outside with a smile and asked me to come the next day at 7 am sharp in the morning. It was like a tornado which settled inside me; got the job
I needed to support my family. He came and told me that they want me to handle the tele-calling part. I was more than happy to get the job offer.
That night I came home with a smile. The frustration growing inside me came to an end at last. Five years elapsed and presently I am the tele-calling manager of the company maybe I will get a higher rank next month. A lot happened in between, although I sailed through every challenge life threw at me and thanks to almighty, I am in this position today and that first job changed my life forever!