Primary Challenges in Global Talent Acquisition
Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Rewards and Recognition
With globalization at its all-time high and showing signs of no retrenchment, global talent acquisition can prove to be a key element in determining the fate of any organization. The rising competition has provoked the need to acquire talented workforce to satisfy their recruitment challenges. It is as critical as anything else to have the right mix of skilled employees at the global front. This becomes even more vital when candidates as the need for the non-creative repetitive and jobs of general nature are all taken over by automation.
Considering the words of HR professionals across the globe, recruitment is tougher than said. The major reason for this is not lack of skills, but the fact that it is tougher in the present scenario to find a candidate with the right mix of skills and someone who fits well in the company culture.
Primary ways to Address these Challenges while Recruiting
Social Media Management: Monitoring a candidate’s presence in social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. will help in understanding his professional as well as public interaction history and thereby assess their compatibility to blend into the company’s culture.
Onboarding Programs: This is one of the crucial elements of successful recruitment by giving the candidate adequate welcome guidance showing his importance in the company and possible upgrades.
Employment Website: Getting the help of a reputed employment website or agency will prove handy when you require high-quality candidates from all over the globe without a popular brand name. They will provide you with some added assurance.
Behavioral Assessments: Testing the candidate’s general knowledge about miscellaneous facts that are remotely related to his actual job in the company is long-obsolete now. Quantitative, Qualitative and Logical Aptitude tests help to understand a person’s behavior in differing circumstances.
Global Recruitment: Answer for Talent Drought
While elements presented above help in removing general challenges in recruiting, many other challenges emerging with the increasing quest of companies for a global workforce in untapped lands.
There are many clearly defined reasons for choosing International Recruitment -
- Filling the Skill Gaps
- Exploring the Untapped talent-pipelines
- Broadening and Diversifying workplace culture.
- Possible new perspectives, ideas, and mindsets.
- Open new routes for trade, on and on.
International Recruitment: Commonly Faced Problems
The reputed Global Alliance in Management Education or CEMS has recognized three primary challenges for HRs -
Getting Comfortable: This not only means about the professional circumstances. For a foreign recruit to settle down requires a little attention as it is hard to blend into the new and changing environment. Only assessing their compatibility in work and satisfaction with the working environment isn’t enough. Instead, provide them with the requisite aid in Acclimatizing to the environment.
The employer should help the candidate in getting established in their personal life as without it you cannot expect 100% from anyone in professional life.
Culture Clash: Another culprit in the loss of recruits and thereby unwanted expense of money and time is the rapid resignation of recruits due to the incompatibility with the unknown culture.
Giving them adequate training in language, culture, expenses, lifestyle and every other factor that could result in such a decision is more than necessary to escape from this issue beforehand.
Communication: Even before applying for a job, the issue in interaction should be addressed. The right thing to do here is educating them with the right things. The presence of a dedicated colleague for support or proper classes with, basic language training, process, and culture is very important.
Global Recruitment: Right Practice for the Right Recruit
It lies in every organization’s interest to try and reap the benefits of international talents. Without the right amenities in their arsenal, CEMS came across to the staggering fact that more than half of the recruiters suffer from onboarding the right talent. When the hefty amount the international recruiting cost coupled with the relocating trouble, makes the onboarding process the most vital one which could save or kill a business.
The following practices are worth looking at for a better chance in successful recruitment without regrets.
Choose the Right zone According to Preferences: It is vital to know that different parts of the world have a different impact on your recruitment needs.
By choosing to take trade relations with one country, it can open new relations with other similar countries that have relations with the country it is currently focused upon. Recruiters should also remember to avoid countries that are also trying to recruit on an active basis as they are in the same condition.
Switch to Smart Recruiting over Easy Recruiting: Now with the advent of advanced technology, the recruiters should focus on relying on it for easy and less expensive recruiting. Making the computer do all the repetitive work on your behalf and you cashing in all the progress made, seems to be the better option.
For the most effective International Recruitment campaign these factors are important to investigate:
HR to do Face-to-face Interview: He can be a representation of the company’s attributes, culture and all in a human form. This makes the candidates feel more important and connected to the firm
Seeking help from Local Outsourcing or Recruiting Agencies: Without spending a lot to organize a skilled HR team in a foreign country all by themselves, a local agency in the country can arrange candidates according to the business requirements with all the advanced techniques and technology.